My Family


My dearest "adopted" daughter Dona, her wonderful husband Fred (now and in the Army 1967) who helps me so much with my 'puter, and their "child" Jasper.

My very favorite photo of my brother and me. (And the only one taken while living with my birth mother).

When I was 5 years old, mom dropped by place Jere and I were living and took me for a ride with a strange man (well, he was to me as I had never seen him before). It seems I was to live with this man and his wife from now on. At the age of 7, I was legally adopted by them. It was difficult for me, but at least I got to see my mother and brother a couple of times a year. I didn't really appreciate what mom and dad went through to raise me. The depression followed by very hard times for them that somehow they survived. They went from quite wealthy people to middle class and did it gracefully.

Elsa was daddy's sister. Pauline was two years younger than my birth mother.


My blood mother with my stepfather Bill in Apple Valley waiting for their home to be built.

Step-dad Bill (I liked him)

Me and Bro (74 years after "baby pic" above)

Cuties! Jere & Shirley Ann